Puggerschow Kr. Lauenburg-Lebork Pom. County

Puggerschow Kr. Lauenburg Pom. County
Surnames from the history(story) of the village Puggerschow from I possess information, or documents:
Only with me you receive deductions from the church register of big Jannewitz christing 1901-1945!!!!

  1. Bernhard ,Anna ,Günter (KKJ 25/40)
  2. Bohl Waltraud ,Lotte (KSt67)
  3. Brüschke Martha (GV)
  4. Katczsek Emma (KSt67)
  5. Eick Emma (KKJ t 7/40)
  6. Engelbrecht Leo (LKKs39/44)
  7. Falkenberg Johannes (GV)
  8. Guhl Martha (GV)
  9. Hardies Anna (KKJ t25/40)
  10. Hochwald Marta ,Heidemarie (KSt67)
  11. Jeschke Therese (SJg15\76)
  12. Klopp Maria (KKJt 9/40)
  13. Mielewcsyk Franz (GLHk)
  14. Palinske Carl ,Amalie ,Rudolf (SJg13\76)
  15. Richter,Gustav,Therese ,Paul (SJg15\76)
  16. Schoen Albert , Bertha (SJg 12\76)
  17. Schultz (LVB)
  18. Schuth Anna (KKJ t 8/40)
  19. Schültenberg Ernst ,Anna ,Kurt (KKJ t 8/40)
  20. Sieber Erich ,Emma ,Erich (KKJ t 7/40)
  21. Stenzel Amalie (SJg13\76)
  22. Zezewske Paul ,Maria ,Horst (KKJ t9/40)

From the history(story) of the village Puggerschow Kr. Lauenburg Pom.

Puggerschow, a good district of 860 hectares with 288 inhabitants, to the Fideikommiss and office districts big Jannewitz considerably. The place, slavisch Pogorszewo, is mentioned in the oldest German documents Pogrischow (1.340 and 1.363), also in the Lauenburger country court records approx. 1400; Pogorschewo in the notes of the Bischofsdezems (1402); Pogaschow in 1437 (probably erroneously); Pugersow or Bugersso in the years 1575 and 1628; Poggerzow in 1658; since 1737 like today. We get the first news about the existence of the place by the demarcation of the place Rettkewitz about 1340, while our place not only under the borders of the thought place named, but also an owner of Pogerschow, by the name of Subeslaus under
Borders of the thought place is specified, but also an owner by Pogerschow, by the name of Subeslaus among the witnesses (Danziger Komthureibuch No 136). 1596 small and big Paggerschau (Danziger archives 41, 17 fol. 344). The place itself got his(its) award for a Woycech Przen (evidently Pirch, Pirzcha) in 1353 by the Danziger Komthur Giseibrecht of Dudelsheim. It got half of Pogerschow with 21 hoofs and meadows growth to magdeburgschen rights with the usual obligation to army trips, castle buildings ec. It was released from the previous Polish right. (Danziger Komthureibuch Nr.146). Although now in the acts of the Lauenburger district court with both owners appearing here in Poggerschow Jesko and Woycech of the division of the place not thought ahead(vergl. about the quarrel of the Woycech with the place Neuendorf the concerning local history). so the same existed(consisted) indisputably since 1353 if she(it) does not date back already in a time much earlier still, and it remained up to 1800. In the notes of the Bischofsdezems, possibly about 1402, it is distinguished between Pogorschewo and " the other Pogorschewo ", the first one contained 4 1/2 Hoken, latter of that(those) only three. If now 1437 the same village with Naturallieferung, is specified also according to Polish right(laws), the addition already gives " to Poerschow half " the clarification that it has been here about the " other Pogerschow ", i.e. the still Polish Panengut. Still in 1628 " big Puggerschow " is named(mentioned) evidently in the Gegensatze to at this point, of courseto specified small Puggerschow.
In these so separated interests lived one after another: in the interest A the Pirchs, darnach the Jannewitz, which from Natzmer, from Czapsk (since 1739), since 1799 those of the east; in the interest B the Setzkes already before 1575 and still 1658. In 1696 Pogersow is called according to news in the Danziger municipal archives trunk(tribe) and Lehngut of the family of Setzky (41. 17. fol. 153 and fol.344), however, already strongly causes. The children were not able to hold(regard) the landed property and sold him to a Danziger by the name of Hans Weinbergk who could begin, however, as a commoner with the property nothing else than resell it to another aristocracy family; so the family of Schlochow got in the possession, members in the little beard sen personal announcements
(in 1737); since 1749 only the Sarbskis appear; major of Sarbski and its Deszendenten. Still in 1784 saI3 lieutenant Georg Wilhelm von Sarbski on it, marries to Sophie Henriette von Sarbski near the brothers Martin August and Heinrich Alexander von Cpapski. Since 1804, probably, however, before, the other Puggerschow is also in from the little east sen Possesses, both interests rose with equipment(arrangement) of the Fidei of army life on the 28th January, 1892 in the whole possession. The prework Darschkow (already belongs to Puggerschow in 1784 on the field mark named) and Gillmannshof, earlier a farm to Garzigar, in 1861 by Julius of the east bought. On the run before the approaching Russian troops the estate manager Thomas, shot particularly more hard to modern methods open farmer, his wife, his two sons at the age between 10 and 13 years and itself in the not far removed village Villkow in the barn of the farm Deimert. This incident testifies Willy Behnke, an earlier inhabitant of Villkow who has written a chronicle of the village.


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